Source Code
Knowledge Graph Identification
Interested in trying out Knowledge Graph Identification? The source code and data necessary to reproduce the experiments from my ISWC 2013 paper, Knowledge Graph Identification, and my AKBC 2013 paper, Ontology-Aware Partitioning for Knowledge Graph Identification, are both available on GitHubOnline Inference
Using PSL but need to handle changing evidence? An experimental version of PSL used in my UAI 2015 paper, Budgeted Online Collective Inference, is available on GitHub. Also in that repository is everything necessary to reproduce the UAI 2015 experiments!Hierarchical LDA
If you want to build hierarchical topic models for millions of documents on Hadoop, code for my Big Learning 2012 paper, Large-Scale Hierarchical Topic Models, can be found on GitHub. If you don't need a hierarchical topic model, I suggest using the Ke Zhai's more-frequently-updated version of Mr.LDA.Tutorial Videos
Invited Talks, Presentations and Tutorials
Knowledge Graph Construction from Text, Tutorial at AAAI Conference, Winter 2017. (web site)
Probabilistic Models for Large, Noisy, Dynamic Data, talk at the Information Sciences Institute at University of Southern California, Winter 2017. (video)
Better Knowledge Graphs Through Probabilistic Models, talk at the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Summer 2016. (video)
Knowledge Graph Construction, talk for D5 group at Max Planck Institut Informatik, Summer 2015. (slides)
Knowledge Graph Construction, talk for Web Science and Knowledge Management group at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Summer 2015. (slides)
Efficient Online Collective Inference for Graphical Models, talk at the New Perspectives for Relational Learning Workshop at the Banff International Research Station, Spring 2015. (video, slides)
Knowledge Graph Identification, talk for the ReadTheWeb group at Carnegie Mellon, Fall 2014. (slides)
Knowledge Graph Construction, tutorial given in the Advanced Machine Learning course at University of California, Santa Cruz, Spring 2014. (lecture video, demo video, slides)
Large-Scale Knowledge Graph Identification using PSL, talk at AAAI Symposium on Semantics for Big Data, Fall 2013. (slides)
Ontology-Aware Partitioning for Knowledge Graph Identification, talk at CIKM workshop on Automated Knowledge Base Construction, Fall 2013. (slides)
Knowledge Graph Identification, talk at International Semantic Web Conference, Fall 2013. (video, slides)
Using Classifier Cascades for Scalable E-mail Classification, talk at the University of Maryland Computer Vision Student Seminar, Winter 2012. (slides)
Using Classifier Cascades for Scalable E-Mail Classification, talk at Conference on Collaboration, Electronic Messaging, Anti-Abuse, and Spam, Summer 2011. (slides)
Reducing Label Cost by Combining Feature Labels and Crowdsourcing., talk at ICML workshop on Combining Learning Strategies to Reduce Label Cost, Summer 2011. (slides)
Coarse-to-Fine, Cost-Sensitive Classification of E-Mail, talk at NIPS workshop on Coarse-to-Fine Processing, Fall 2010. (slides)
Using Hadoop to Fight Spam, interview by the Yahoo! Developer network, Spring 2009. (part 1, part 2)